Routine Chiropody
In a routine chiropody appointment your podiatrist will examine your feet and will treat for many different things such as reduction of hard skin, removal of corns, nail cutting, reduction of thickened nails, assessment of fungal nails, assessment of the foot health and in general give the feet a good tidy up. At every treatment with us your podiatrist will advise you on how to improve your foot health.
Ingrown toenail
An ingrown toenail is a very common problem where a sharp nail spike may grow into the skin and when left untreated can cause infection and may need a surgical intervention. An ingrown toenail most commonly affects the big toe and can happen for a number of reasons such as ill-fitting shoes, poor nail cutting technique or if a patient was to stub their toe. If caught in the early stages, a surgical intervention may be avoided. This is where Podi Footcare comes in – Our podiatrists are trained in the prevention and treatment of ingrown toenails.
Routine Chiropody FAQ
How often should I book routine chiropody sessions?
There is not a set recommended time frame between visits to a podiatrist. We would encourage patients to take a preventive approach to their feet health and to visit at least one per year. Patients may be asked to visit more regularly depending on their health condition but we will advise every client on the best approach to take for their particular requirements.
Can you teach me the proper way to trim my nails in order to prevent ingrown toenails?
We will advise patients on how to correctly trim their toenails to prevent ingrown toenails. Clients who suffer from poor blood flow to their feet should regularly visit their chiropodist to ensure their toenails are trimmed correctly.